Battle without End Wiki

Base Stats[]


  • Your ability to withstand attacks. Number (bar) drops as you take damage. When this reaches 0, you die. While there are no direct consequences from losing the battle and dying, you do not receive any rewards ( Gold , Experience , or Equipment ).
  • Some pets have skills to heal in battle but only one skill from you can heal in battle: Life Drain.


  • Your ability to use skills. Most Combat and Magic skills require the use of Mp to use. When this number drops to zero, you will no longer be able to use Skills or Cast spells and will only be able to rely on regular attacks, or skills which do not use Mp (like Smash).


  • Your physical strength. Increases base attack.
  • Unarmed combat relies is considered Melee for skill purposes and rely on Strength Bonuses alone.
  • Strength Modifier is Str / 3  for Min Atk and Str * 0.4 for Max Atk
  • Strength Bonuses apply to both Melee and Ranged weapons


  • Dexterity is also your agility, or how nimble you are. It's the fine motor skills needed to fire weapons like bows and affects your balance. ( 4 Dexterity = 1 Balance )
  • Dexterity Modifier is Dex / 3 for Min Atk and Dex * 0.4 for Max Atk
  • Applies to Ranged Weapons only


  • Your rational capability. Adds damage to Magical Skills (Formula: Intelligence / 20), also increases the Cast Chance . Also affects Magic Balance; See below.


  • Your mental prowess and determination. The more will you have, the better you can survive dangerous situations. Affects the player's Critical Hit Rate.  4 Will = 1 Critical Hit Rate.


  • A mysterious and inexplicable phenomena that helps you. The more Luck you have, the more often good things happen to you. Affects the player's Critical Hit Rate, and ...
  • 4 Luck = 1 Critical Hit Rate.
  • It does increase your chance of successfully upgrading items by 0.05% per point of Luck.
  • It influences Drops Rates , and Pet Drop Rates ( 20% at 0 Luck up to 40% at 200 Luck )
  • It influences the stats of dropped and gambled equipment.
  • It influences the Starting Potential and Growth Potential stats for pets ( maximum effect at 500 luck, but you can still have a crappy roll)
  • It also increases the amount of Experience and Money gained from each fight.

Combat Stats[]


  • The amount of damage you deal to enemies when you attack them with physical weapons like swords and bows. Base damage is double your Attack


  • The likelihood that your attacks will deal damage close to the max damage you are capable of. The more Balance you have, the higher the chance.
  • Balance is affected by Dexterity and some skills. ( 4 Dexterity = 1 Balance )
  • 100 balance means you always do max damage.
  • Conversely, magic balance is calculated with Intelligence. The formula: ((Intelligence - 10) / 4) + 30; if magic balance is greater than 99, it instead equals 99.


  • The chance that an attack you deal will inflict deadly damage to your enemies. Your Critical rate is affected by your Luck and Will. 4 Luck = 1 Critical Hit Rate, and 4 Will also = 1 Critical Hit Rate.  Enemy Protection will reduce your effective Critical Rate.

Critical Multiplier

  • Critical Multiplier, the multiplier you will multiply when you deal Critical Hit.
  • 200 Crt.M is 200% damage on crit


  • The amount of damage you absorb when you're hit by a physical attack. The more Defense you have, the less damage you take.


  • Reduces all damage received by %. It also reduces the Critical Hits received.
  • The displayed value is truncated, the actual value used for the calculation is more precise.
  • The formula is: Reduction% = ((protection*6) / ((protection*6)+100) ) *100
Protection Value Damage Protected (%) Damage Received
10 37.5000000 62.5000000
20 54.5454545 45.4545455
30 64.2857143 35.7142857
40 70.5882353 29.4117647
50 75.0000000 25.0000000
60 78.2608696 21.7391304
70 80.7692308 19.2307692
80 82.7586207 17.2413793
90 84.3750000 15.6250000
100 85.7142857 14.2857143
110 86.8421053 13.1578947
120 87.8048780 12.1951220
130 88.6363636 11.3636364
140 89.3617021 10.6382979
150 90.0000000 10.0000000
160 90.5660377 9.4339623
170 91.0714286 8.9285714
180 91.5254237 8.4745763
190 91.9354839 8.0645161
200 92.3076923 7.6923077
210 92.6470588 7.3529412
220 92.9577465 7.0422535
230 93.2432432 6.7567568
240 93.5064935 6.4935065
250 93.7500000 6.2500000
260 93.9759036 6.0240964
270 94.1860465 5.8139535
280 94.3820225 5.6179775
290 94.5652174 5.4347826
300 94.7368421 5.2631579
350 95.4545455 4.5454545
400 96.0000000 4.0000000
450 96.4285714 3.5714286
500 96.7741935 3.2258065
550 97.0588235 2.9411765
600 97.2972973 2.7027027
650 97.5000000 2.5000000
700 97.6744186 2.3255814
750 97.8260870 2.1739130
800 97.9591837 2.0408163
850 98.0769231 1.9230769
900 98.1818182 1.8181818
950 98.2758621 1.7241379
1000 98.3606557 1.6393443
1050 98.4375000 1.5625000
1100 98.5074627 1.4925373
1150 98.5714286 1.4285714
1200 98.6301370 1.3698630
1250 98.6842105 1.3157895
1300 98.7341772 1.2658228
1350 98.7804878 1.2195122
1400 98.8235294 1.1764706
1450 98.8636364 1.1363636
1500 98.9010989 1.0989011
1550 98.9361702 1.0638298
1600 98.9690722 1.0309278
1650 99.0000000 1.0000000
1700 99.0291262 0.9708738
1750 99.0566038 0.9433962
1800 99.0825688 0.9174312
1850 99.1071429 0.8928571
1900 99.1304348 0.8695652
1950 99.1525424 0.8474576
2000 99.1735537 0.8264463
2200 99.2481203 0.7518797
2400 99.3103448 0.6896552
2600 99.3630573 0.6369427
2800 99.4082840 0.5917160
3000 99.4475138 0.5524862
3200 99.4818653 0.5181347
3400 99.5121951 0.4878049
3600 99.5391705 0.4608295
3800 99.5633188 0.4366812
4000 99.5850622 0.4149378
4200 99.6047431 0.3952569
4400 99.6226415 0.3773585
4600 99.6389892 0.3610108
4800 99.6539792 0.3460208
5000 99.6677741 0.3322259
5200 99.6805112 0.3194888
5400 99.6923077 0.3076923
5600 99.7032641 0.2967359
5800 99.7134670 0.2865330
6000 99.7229917 0.2770083

Protection Ignore (needs review)

  • Ignore Protection of monster, can deal more damage.
  • 1 pro. ignore is ignoring 1 protection
  • Protection Ignore does not restore the % of criticals prevented by Protection

Combat Power[]

  • The value that determines how strong a player is. Is not affected by gear and pets.
  • The Combat Power is calculated using base stats , which are improved through aging, leveling and skills
  • CP = (HP*1) + (MP*0.5) + (STR*1) + (INT*0.2) + (DEX*0.1) + (WILL*0.5) + (LUCK*0.1) + The Total AP Spent into Skills
  • Combat Power is used in comparision with the Enemy Combat Power to establish a CP Ratio, this ratio will be used to determine stuff like Monster Prefixes, and influence Drops, Money, and XP gained

Skills That Permanently Increase Primary Stats[]

  • HP - Increase by taking ranks in Combat Mastery, Defense, or Life Drain.
  • MP - Increase by taking ranks in Magic Mastery, Mana Shield, Fireball, Icespear, Thunder, or (indirectly) through any skill that improves your Intelligence.
  • Strength - Increase by taking ranks in Combat Mastery, Smash, Range Mastery, Fireball, or Life Drain.
  • Dexterity - Increase by taking ranks in Counterattack, Mirage Missile, Corrosive Shot, Blacksmithing, or Range Mastery.
  • Intelligence - Increase by taking ranks in Firebolt, Icebolt, Thunderbolt, Fireball, Icespear, Thunder, Magic Mastery, Mirage Missile, Mana Shield, or Blacksmithing.
  • Willpower - Increase by taking ranks in Smash, Critical Hit, Thunder, or Range Mastery.
  • Luck - Can only be gained through equips, stat growth and titles.